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3 Ways to Feel Connected During a Global Pandemic Despite Inclement Weather

Life during COVID-19 has proven to be anything but easy. There are days we are all desperate for the normalcy we once knew - the large crowds, the maskless faces, and a fearless existence that we may have taken for granted before. The life we now know feels different, and that is a harsh reality for many of us, and you may be feeling the effects of that on a day-to-day basis. Humans are social creatures by nature, and that is why this situation feels so especially difficult. To combat these feelings, we have spent our warm weather months at afternoon picnics and car trunk hangouts; but unfortunately, these options will be unrealistic for many as winter encroaches upon us. Winter is tough on mental health every year, but this year poses very unique challenges to mental health that could be detrimental for many of us. Now more than ever, it is imperative that we prioritize our own mental health and well-being, and part of that is taking the time to feel connected to our loved ones while also keeping ourselves safe. Here are three simple (and socially distanced) ways to feel connected to those closest to you during this unprecedented time. 

  1. Snowmen Building Contests

An event to bring you back to childhood, certainly. When the snow is at its peak, choose a beautiful day with blue skies to bundle up and hit the yard to compete with your loved ones over the best snowman (some optional judging criteria being the roundest body and best accessories). I suggest raiding the attic for an old scarf and getting the hot cocoa ready to celebrate your victory after it’s over. 

2. Snow Sports

A suggestion for the adventurers and experienced would be snow sports! Whether it be snowboarding, skiing, ice skating, or something entirely different, this is a great way to try something new, get a great workout, and enjoy time with your friends and family. While this idea may be slightly less accessible, if you are someone with access to the space and resources to try something new, just remember to mask-up and enjoy. 

3. Zoom Events

Winter may be a time that many of us decide to stay home and relive the beginnings of the pandemic through socially distanced happy hours, cooking classes, and birthday parties. While you may not be able to share a hug, you will surely be able to share in a laugh and valuable conversation. This is certainly not as good as together, but it is something - and something is better than nothing. 

At the end of the day, it is all about effort, and taking what you can get. The COVID-19 pandemic has been hard, and it will continue to be hard. Your choice to mask-up and socially distance could very well be the reason that someone else gets to live - and that is meaningful beyond words. Please remember, especially when the days are feeling gray, together we will see this through.  

Written by McKena Mathews