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Lately, our days have been filled with Zoom meetings, calendar updates, and emails. Constant screen time is not only bad for your eyesight but it can also affect your mental health. So many people have had increased mental health issues over the past year. It’s important to take time for yourself and make changes in your life that will help prevent you from being burnt out. Being in touch with yourself, your needs, and your friends is crucial to keep your motivation up. Here are a few ways to improve your quality of life during these virtual times:

1. Set boundaries. 

Have a set start and end time to your workday. It helps a great amount to be able to focus on your personal life after a certain time of day. Keeping a routine allows room for self care time and being able to wind down at the end of the day. It prevents you from extending the workday until you fall asleep, which can make your life feel like an endless cycle of work. 

2. Get outside.

Spending time outdoors and getting fresh air is so good for you, mentally and physically. Getting vitamin D from the sun helps keep energy levels up, exercise keeps your blood flowing and increases circulation, and being in touch with nature has also been connected to reductions in stress levels. Even just walking to your mailbox or around the parking lot can benefit you immensely. 

3. Schedule lunch Facetime dates with friends or coworkers.

One thing we all probably miss from normal life is being able to connect with our friends and coworkers and interact with them on a daily basis. Humans need that interaction in their life. Simply calling or Facetiming with a friend on your lunch break can prevent you from working through lunch and instead helps you get your mind off of your daily tasks. Being able to reach out and feed off of the energy even virtually can boost your mood and make your workday seem shorter. 

4. Have a dedicated workspace.

Making a home office in your living space where you work consistently allows you to “turn off” work when you are in other spaces. Having this specific office can be at a dining table, a special chair, or anything that works for you. However, ensure that you only work in that area so that your focus is increased in that space. Give yourself anything you might need to help you stay on top of it so you aren’t constantly changing your scenery and getting distracted, for example: a water bottle, writing materials, chargers for any electronics, etc. 

5. Reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional for help.

Knowing when you need to seek out professional help or support is arguably the most important aspect of self-care. Mental health is a real issue that needs to be addressed regularly and taken seriously. When our mental health is lacking, our overall quality of life is worsened. Our work isn’t as good, relationships aren’t as enriching, and we can’t be our best selves. Reaching out to talk out your problems and concerns in a safe space can help you feel understood and valued. 

Burnout is a common issue that needs to be addressed by all of us so we can be the best employees we can be. Take time for yourself and listen to your needs. Making these small changes in your working habits can help make the biggest change in your life.

Written by Taylor Gerrells