Intern Testimonials
Here’s what some previous interns have to say about her experience with SGI.
Sarah Stuetz
Fall 2020 Environmental Lab Intern
Location: Speyer, Germany
University: California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo
“ I like that SGI fosters an array of diversities in its work community. SGI is a very ambitious organization, with many different parts, plans, and projects. There is no stagnancy at SGI, but rather constant change, motion, and action. There is always something to do and somewhere to contribute. SGI recognizes hard work and provides opportunities for advancement. I am grateful that SGI has many avenues for professional development and invests in the future of its interns.
This internship has taught me to not hesitate, to take initiative to ask questions or provide input, because work communities do not grow or improve unless people contribute. Additionally, I have experienced the strength there is in a working group that has a wide diversity of experiences, education, and geographies. This internship, and SGI, have shown me the advantages of ambition and how essential it is to remain flexible towards change and improvement. “
Tara Golthi
Fall 2020 Digital Marketing & Strategic Communications Intern
Location: Doylestown, PA, USA
University: Pennsylvania State University
“ I like that the main goal of SGI is about making human existence regenerative. Looking for jobs can be draining, not only because the search for one is tiring, but also because a lot of people (myself included) often resign themselves to working for a company that doesn't operate in the most ethical or sustainable ways in pursuit of financial stability. Though this internship wasn't paid, it was nice to know that there are places to work where ethics and sustainability are a priority.
This internship is extremely flexible and there are so many opportunities that were presented or that I could open for myself that would allow me to learn new skills that prepare me for future endeavors. I've learned to use Squarespace and improved my eye for design. I also learned more about excel with the training SGI directed me to. I've been learning this throughout school, but it was really stressed in this internship: if you want structure, you have to make it yourself. “
“ I appreciate SGI's business model and dedication to improving environmentalism. During my internship with SGI, I've had the opportunity to refine my time management skills, my communication skills, and gain new insight into the environmental and social impacts worldwide.
Being part of the Research and Development Lab at SGI has been an incredibly unique experience. Over the course of these 15 weeks, I've had the opportunity to interact with teammates and leads, researching products and developing myself professionally through the SGI workshops.
This internship opportunity offers not only professional experience but also seeks to help its interns succeed beyond their time with SGI. “
Alice Ma
Fall 2020 Research & Development Intern
Location: Fremont, CA, USA
University: UCLA
Julia Tjan
Fall 2020 Business & Economic Development Intern
Location: San Ramon, CA, US
University: University of California- Berkeley
“ I'm currently a senior at UC Berkeley majoring in Political Economy with a concentration in international development and as a Business & Economic Development intern, it has been rewarding to see how an organization that specializes in what I study operates. I have great respect for SGI's mission: environmental sustainability, evolutionary economic consulting, myriad of different projects going on.
Throughout my internship with SGI, I have gained technical skills when it comes to google suites, data entry, and development research. In addition, I have gained knowledge from seminars on environmental sustainability, workshops in professional development & resume building, as well as communication skills and building my ability to self-start.
Though I plan to continue my internship Spring semester, lessons that I will take away from this internship include the strategy & cross-disciplinary nature of environmentally-conscious projects to promote economic growth in Africa, time-management skills, team building, what it takes to structure an international firm, and the importance of helping to bolster institutions on the business, non-profit, and government level.
I would absolutely recommend this internship to someone else. SGI has so many different internship opportunities available and I would encourage individuals interested in the realm of economics, development, politics, and international relations who want to do meaningful advocacy work as a career to apply and take advantage of the work, seminars, and workshops. “
Rebecca Scherr
Fall 2020 Management Intern
Location: Troy, OH, USA
University: Michigan State University
“ This internship is very flexible and can provide experience to accelerate one’s career. I have learned a level of professionalism that I will take with me to all my future endeavors. I have definitely learned a lot more about google suite and strengthened my organization and time management skills.
I agree with the mission and vision of SGI. It aligns with my personal mission and goals. ”